4 Evidences for a Young Earth

Everybody has heard—repeatedly—that the earth is billions of years old. People are led to believe that this is an unassailable scientific fact.

It’s not! There are many people—including well-qualified scientists—who believe the evidence can be read quite differently. In fact, there are numerous lines of evidence that contradict the millions/billions-of-years idea, and instead point to a relatively ‘young’ Earth!

Join Dr Don Batten for an illuminating discussion of just four such evidences. (And for many more evidences, see Related Content, below.)


  • 00:00 Teaser
  • 00:25 Introduction: Four (of MANY) evidences the earth is young
  • 01:30 Evidence 1: Soft tissue and other fragile organic compounds in fossils
  • 01:36 → 1.1 In dinosaurs
  • 02:38 → 1.2 In things said to be much older than dinosaurs
  • 04:12 → 1.3 How do we know organic compounds can’t last that long?
  • 05:56 → 1.4 How have long-age believers explained the discrepancies?
  • 06:05 → 1.4.1 Rescue Device #1: Bacterial biofilms
  • 06:58 → 1.4.2 Rescue Device #2: Iron from red blood cells
  • 08:05 → 1.4.3 Rescue Device #3: Toast theory
  • 09:47 Evidence 2: Carbon-14 in things said to be millions of years old
  • 09:54 → 2.1 What is carbon-14?
  • 11:33 → 2.2 How does carbon-14 provide evidence for a young Earth?
  • 13:16 → 2.2.1 Example #1: Fossil wood from Crinum Coal Mine
  • 15:07 → 2.2.2 Example #2: Fossil wood from Hawkesbury Sandstone
  • 16:02 → 2.2.3 Example #3: Carbon-14 throughout the fossil record
  • 19:32 Evidence 3: Not enough sedimentation to form the fossil record
  • 20:16 → 3.1 Average yearly sedimentation rate throughout the fossil record
  • 21:55 → 3.2 How much sediment, deposited how fast, is needed to form fossils?
  • 24:28 Evidence 4: Absence of bioturbation in the rock record
  • 24:36 → 4.1 What is bioturbation?
  • 27:40 → 4.2 Even secular experts acknowledge the problem
  • 28:37 Long ages don’t fit the evidence, but people are brainwashed to believe they MUST
  • 29:27 Conclusion: Why does any of this even matter?


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Helpful Resources
The Bible declares: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1